Foto Niels Krogh Søndergaard: Kemishow at Naturmødet in Hirtshals 19.-21. may 2022.
- News from Head of Department
- Administration's holiday calendar
- Information on fruit scheme
- Reminder: Department summer seminar 2022 sign up
- News from research
- IYOG2022
- First event in ph.d./post.doc committee
- News from studies
- Recruitment panel meeting at BIO
- New study secretary: Rita Kirstine Poulsen
- Naturmødet 2022
- Meeting schedule for the Department committees
- The Department researchers and students in the media
- Useful links
- Future events
- HR news
News from Michael, Head of Department
Summer has begun, and for many of us this is a busy time with exams and field work. There’s a sense of business around the department, but only in a month’s time many will be taking some much needed time off.
It was also lively at Naturmødet in Hirtshals back in May – thanks to the team of our students, who with microscopes and chemistry shows (Kemishow) involved many of the guests. Using bangs, petri dishes, crabs, worms, and a quiz, they presented their projects and field of study in an easy-understandable way, and they created great interest among the audience.
In regard to research, we are in a time of fantastic news at the Department of Chemistry & Bioscience. This year, the Independent Research Council of Denmark (DFF) has given funds to a larger than usual part of our applicants, including new projects about the manufacture of artificial organs and the identification of the potentials in wastewater.
I am happy and proud every time we get recognition for our professionalism. Two of the ways in which we can get recognition, is through new research grants as well as when we get our research results published. But we also get great recognition when many would like to collaborate with our department. An example of this was back in May, when large parts of the international glass industry and many of the world's most talented glass researchers and professionals met with us here in Aalborg. The researchers from the research group 'Disordered Materials' had been given the responsibility for the United Nations’ International Year of Glass Symposium, a great recognition after many years of glass research of international excellence in our labs.
Today we have pressed the launch button for our new website, which is more visual and suitable for mobile and tablet reading. The new page has required a lot of work, and therefore there may be some things that need a finishing touch. Please contact Line (education) and Niels (research) if you have constructive suggestions or discover something that should be corrected.
During June students will probably be sweating during their exam preparations. The holidays are fast approaching! Therefore, I would also like to take the opportunity to send my warmest holiday wishes in advance to everyone here at the department.
The BIO secretariat will close for the summer holidays as listed below and the relevant shared mail boxes/mail addresses will generate automatic mail replies if contacted during these weeks:
- HR: Week 27-28-29 -
- Economy: Available all weeks – /
- Studies: Week 28, 29 and 30 – /
- Department-team: Available all weeks
Dear all,
I am the new HR-employee at the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, and I am really looking forward to working with all of you. Hanne Skovrider who has been in charge of BIO-HR for many years is here until the end of June and will be helping me with the tasks until then.
The summer holidays are approaching and since I am the only one in the Administration working with HR, you should be aware that I am on holiday from 4 July to 22 July. Therefore, if you wish to have a vacant position announced, extend someone’s employment or anything else related to HR, please let me know as soon as possible so we avoid things being late due to the summer holidays.
I wish you all a good day!
There is 1 piece of fruit per. employee per. day in the fruit scheme, which is delivered Mon / Wed at 10 a.m in the coffee room at 5th floor, FRB7H. That way we can ensure that there should be fruit for everyone - even the intermediate days when no fruit is delivered (Tuesday + Thursday).
Reminder: Department Summer Seminar 2022 sign up (FOR employees, who received an invitation in OUTLOOK)
This year’s summer seminar will be held at Fuglsøcentret on Djursland on 25-26 August 2022. This year's seminar will focus on some of the initiatives and events that have shaped the year as well as look to the future and will offer exciting presentations from both internal and external speakers.
Please register via this form: Here you can note, if you want accommodation and /or to participate in the public AAU-transport.
NB: Registration is possible until 11am Friday 17 June due to reservations. If prevented from attending the seminar, you do not need to fill out the form.
department BUILDING: ENERGY inspecting IN THE current WEEK
For your information, OBH Consulting is conducting an energy inspection in Frederik Bajers Vej 7H this week (week 24). The energy inspection is in connection with energy labeling of the building and does not affect the functionality of the house.
News from research
On 18-19 May 2022, the Department of Chemistry and Bioscience welcomed IYOG2022 (International Year of Glass 2022), arranged along with the Danish Ceramics Society, the Glass Industry and Rockwoll. IYOG2022 offered a versatile programme with presentations from research and industrial speakers that summarized and manifested the overall experience in various areas of glass science. On the occasion of the UN Proclamation of the International Year of Glass 2022 (IYOG2022), this symposium celebrated the essential role of contemporary glass in all its forms. The symposium covered glass science, technology, application, building glass, art glass and glass history.
On Friday 20 May, the PhD / Postdoc committee hosted the first event and invited to a one-day seminar in Aarhus. The seminar was held in the restaurant MALT, in the old Ceres brewery, and had a total of 62 participants. The day included a lecture by the invited speaker Hans Buhl from the Steno Museum on the historical relationship between science and technology, from man's first technological advances to technology in modern scientific research. This was followed by a case competition in which interdisciplinary groups worked together to brainstorm innovative solutions for current research cases from three different research areas in the department.
Aligned with the framework of the old brewery, the seminar ended with a lecture on beer brewing technology and beer tasting science by Jens L. Sørensen and Jens Muff - with eager participation and interest from the audience. The event ended with a dinner with eight courses of social dining in the cozy atmosphere of the brewery cellar. If you have input for the PhD / postdoc committee on future events or focus, please contact: Peter Grouleff Jensen, Nikos Montesantos, Stine Frey Laursen, Helene Halkjær Jensen (on maternity leave), or Trine Aalborg (maternity substitute).
News from studies
meeting in the recruitment panel
On 10 May, the study board, representatives of the department and decentralized study counselors met with the department's recruitment panel. The meeting was held on-site with individual participants on-line. The recruitment panel represents various companies and public institutions. An overview of the recruitment panel can be found here.
The main topics at the meeting this year were the panels' view on a new master's specialization in environmental science, which they fortunately saw very positively at. Future employment opportunities, where they see both positive trends but also challenges e.g. in the field of education. Fact sheet, short, appetizing one-page description of the individual educations i.a. as inspiration for the graduates when they have to apply for their first job, and which the panel also looked at positively. Finally, we discussed SSH in STEM integration in our programmes. We got some suggestions, but also agreed that it will not be an easy task to land properly. We have a very good and committed recruitment panel with constructive and sometimes also critical comments on what we do. However, there is always room for suggestions for new members.
NEW STUDY SECRETARY: Rita kirstine poulsen
As you know, the first year of study in Aalborg is moved to the departments locations as of next semester. From September 2023, we will have the entire ground floor on Fredrik Bajers Vej 5, where there is room for all students in both the 1st year of study together with the students in the 3rd and 4th sem, who already have their group room at this address. As part of the relocation plans, it has also been announced which study secretaries from the current 1st year of study will be moved to the individual departments. For our part, we can welcome Rita Kirstine Poulsen. Rita has already taken over the servicing of the current 2nd semester and thus already gets insight into our studies, knowledge of our teachers and at the same time she is more closely linked to our study team, which she will physically be part of per. 01.08.2022. Rita has extensive experience in the field of study administration and from AAU, and we all look forward to the collaboration.
Naturmødet 2022
Naturmødet took place in Hirtshals on 19-21 May with a total attendance of about 30,000 participants. The participants were broadly composed of politicians, business organizations, environmental / nature organizations, researchers, high school and primary school students as well as the general population. The Department of Chemistry and Biosciences' stand at Naturmødet this year was composed by Niels Madsen and Morten Lykkegaard Christensen and coordinated by the department team in the administration. The stand was staffed by four biology students, who did experiments and told about the topic ‘Insects for feed and food’. Guests had the opportunity to see and examine insects under a microscope, hear more about insects as a sustainable energy source, map types of insects and see / experience crabs brought from the department. Kemishow also participated on Friday with a workshop primarily for primary and secondary school students. They worked with topics such as biodiversity, taste experiences and alternative energy sources.
Meeting schedule for the Department committees
Being involved in the governing bodies at Aalborg University is one way to increase your influence and support the positive development of the university. We would like to encourage everybody to participate in this process. Therefore, in the future, an updated meeting schedule for each Department committee will be included in the newsletter, so that you know in good time when the meetings are scheduled. Please note that the agenda is prepared well in advance of the meetings, which is why any subject for the agenda should be submitted to the committee's representatives no later than one month before the date of the meeting. You will find the representatives of the committees here.
Liaison Committee |
Department committee |
Safety committee |
Study board |
Useful links
Future events
If you want to stay updated on events and guest lectures organized by the Department, please visit the Department web for more information. If you plan to host or coordinate an activity yourself, please forward the information to Line Christensen ( who will provide the relevant information on the web.
- ForskerForum "14 danske topforskere modtager 207 mio. kr. fra Det Europæiske Forskningsråd" - Morten Mattrup Smedskjær
- Ingeniøren "Sådan sekventerer man gener fra bakterier, virus og mennesker" - Mads Albertsen/Per Halkjær Nielsen
- Nordjyske/Information "Nordjyske forskere tæt på at opklare fire mistænkelige dødsfald i Australien" - Michael Toft Overgaard
- Jyllands-Posten "Dansk genforskning kan benåde drabsdømt mor" - Michael Toft Overgaard
- Jæger "Overrasket af høj vandstand i Vadehavet: Guldsjakal druknede" - Sussie Pagh
- Aktuel Naturvidenskab "Viden om mikroorganismer skal afløse sprøjtegift" - Morten Kam Dahl Dueholm
HR news
New employments
- Virender Kumar, Postdoc
Aslak Heuser Clemen Christiansen, Scientific assistant 30.06.2022
Naud Megens, Academic clerk 30.06.2022
Lana Flanjak, Scientific assistant 30.06.2022
Lei Yang, Postdoc 30.06.2022
Cristina Cvitanich, Postdoc 30.06.2022