Newsletter November 2023

Newsletter November 2023

Lagt online: 30.08.2023

highlights from THIS MONTH'S NEWSLETTER:

  • From The Desk of The Head of Department
  • Workshop on Knowledge for the World
  • Novo Nordisk Pioneer Innovator Grant
  • Meet Our New Tenure Track Assistant Professor Helene Halkjær Jensen
  • We Have the Best Tutors in Denmark's
  • External Evaluation of Study Programmes in Esbjerg
  • Candidate Reform



As the days are getting shorter, the weather colder and we have had the first snow, we are approaching the end of a turbulent year for the department. In this newsletter I would like to give some insight into the tasks that have filled my calendar (and that of others) in the past months.


Firstly, during the last couple of months is has been a huge priority to finalize updated budgets for the coming years. This work is ongoing, but based on the best estimates, I can extract the following major takeaways: 1) the economy of the department is sound and robust and is expected to bring us well through coming years and 2) our possibilities for strategic investments will be reduced significantly. The latter is mainly caused by the overall economy of the faculty which has been and is challenged for the coming years.


On the ENG faculty level, we participate in preparing the overall economy of the faculty for the coming years. This includes a thorough look into how efficiently we use our buildings and agreements for some buildings have already been terminated. This process has limited precautions for our department, as our use of buildings at both campuses is relatively optimized. Nevertheless, as the TECH faculty is working on a relocation of Department of Computer Science to the Frederik Bajers Vej 7ABCDE and the ENG faculty is working on a relocation of Department of Mathematics from Skjernvej to main campus in Aalborg, the long-term solution of placement of our students (group rooms) at campus Aalborg is also in play.       

Salary negotiations

Salary negotiations for 2023 have been concluded for all staff. The final agreements are currently being verified and we will hopefully be able to inform the relevant employees individually about the result. The amount negotiated for both TAP and VIP employees have approximately been 0.75% of the total salary.

Voting and Call for Members for the new Department Committee

Now is your chance to exercise your democratic right and influence the future direction of Aalborg University, encompassing the university’s strategic development, academic matters, budgets, and priorities. At the AAU Elections 2023, staff representatives are being elected for study boards, PhD committees, department councils, academic councils, and the University Board. --> Go to the election system and vote (Deadline: Thursday, 30 November, at 14:00).

The election results will be published on the election website no later than Monday 4 December at 14:00.

With respect to the Department committee, I would like to thank the two candidates who placed a candidacy. However, we still have two seat for academic staff (VIP) and two seats for technical-administrative staff (TAP), so I have the task to appoint these candidates. So if you would like to have the possibility to exert your influence on the management of the department, please send me a mail with your candidature on  

Project economy

Due to internal audit of the management of project economy conducted earlier this year, the management has after consultation with the Research Committee decided to invite all assistant, associate, and full professors and well as the Project economy team and the Financial management and support team to a workshop regarding project economy Friday 8 December. More information will follow to the invited participants.


During the past months I have been wondering and pondering on potential beneficial changes in our department structure. I have gathered input from the management, the research area leaders, and department head colleagues from around AAU. Next step in the process of finalizing a new or consolidating the old department organization is a workshop on Friday the 1st of December. Here the management have invited the research area leaders and the Consultation Ccommittee to an open discussion on how we best organize ourselves. The final organization of the department will be decided by the management on the 6th of December and validated by the research committee and the Consultation Committee on the 12th and 13th of December, respectively. The new (or old) department organization will be presented at the department meeting the 18th of December and be in effect from the 1st of January, 2024. If you have any questions regarding the process, you are very welcome to contact me (




Workshop on Knowledge for the World

Fruitful discussions paved the way for the department's negotiations with the faculty. Every year, the departments enter into goal agreements outlining how we will meet the prioritized goals in the coming year. At the workshop on October 13th, three specific 2024 goals were discussed within the department:

  • Goal 1.2 Strengthening Lifelong Learning: This goal involves the development of new and attractive postgraduate and continuing education programs to enhance lifelong learning opportunities.
  • Goal 2.1 Engagement and Collaboration: AAU aims to engage with regional, national, and international partners in mission-driven research endeavors.
  • Goal 6.3 A Strong Safety Culture: The university is committed to fostering a robust safety culture within its community.

Additionally, the goal agreement for AAU's research indicator was discussed.

Detailed descriptions of these goals, both for "Knowledge for the World" and the university's research indicator, can be found here.

Following the workshop, the input has been incorporated into a negotiation proposal, which has been discussed with the departmental committee and the leadership team. On November 22nd, the comprehensive goal agreement for the faculty was confirmed in a meeting with rector.

As part of fulfilling the university's vision for 2026, sub-visions for our focus areas and prioritized goals are worked on each year. You can read the department's negotiation proposal here.

Contact regarding Knowledge for the World:




We are happy to announce that associate professors Peter Roslev and Niels Iversen have been awarded a Novo Nordisk Pioneer Innovator grant. The purpose of the NNF Pioneer Innovator Grant is to support the development of novel technologies and accelerate commercialisation of research findings within sustainability or health.



A warm welcome to Helene, who started as Tenure Track Assistant Professor on 1 November, 2023.

What do you work on currently?

My ambition is to understand how genetic mutations can contribute to disease, particularly neurodevelopmental diseases such as autism and intellectual disability. To this end, I use advanced fluorescence microscopy methods to study pathological changes in cellular development, behaviour, and calcium signals. As an example, I have demonstrated that mutations in the calcium signalling protein calmodulin have neurological effects in the model animal C. elegans, and this observation is paralleled by increasing reports of neurological patients with calmodulin mutations. I currently work with the questions: What is the role of disruptions in calcium signalling for neurodevelopmental diseases? How do we best capture this in the laboratory? Could these pathways serve as targets for new treatment strategies? 

Which professional communities do you focus on staying updated in, nationally and internationally?

I attend conferences focused on calcium signalling. I am member of the European Calcium Society junior board, where we organize online symposia for junior researchers and junior events at conferences in the society. I am also in the board of the Danish Biochemical Society, which fosters national scientific networking and is the Danish entry to FEBS. Finally, I attend meetings in microscopy and neuroscience societies as these are key topics to my research.

When did you find out you wanted to be a researcher? 

My PhD work at Aarhus University really sparked my interest and ambitions to work in research. I learned that this work style fits me well, and I am very motivated to contribute with new ideas and insights to societal challenges. After my PhD, I was very fortunate to receive a personal Lundbeckfonden postdoc grant for moving to Aalborg, and that solidified that I had the potential to proceed along this career track. 



Deadline for registration of 2023 publications is 31 December 2023.

1. Please go to Pure login (VBN)

2. Check if all your publications from 2023 has been registered and if they have been published, make sure that the “Workflow Status” is changed to “For approval”.

3. Check if mandatory information has been registered:

  • Publication date
  • Title
  • Authors/Co-authors and their affiliation(s)
  • Journal/Publisher/Book series
  • DOI
  • If Open Access publication: upload the PDF of the final published version, set “Access” to “Open” and insert CC-license.
  • Paywalled publication: upload a PDF of the Accepted Author Manuscript. Set “Access” to “Unknown” and it will not appear in the portal. An administrator will check for Open Access options. (In accordance with Aalborg University’s Open Access policy).
  • Volume, Issue – if it is a publication in a journal.
  • ISBN – if it is a book, book chapter etc.
  • Conference publications – please remember to fill in information under “Event” + link to the conference

4. Further recommended information can support your Fingerprint, search engine optimization etc.:

  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
  • Relations to other content such as Projects, Activities etc.

Guides from the VBN Team

  1. VBN guide to registration of research publications (go to the tabs under Research Output)
  2. VBN advice on how to register Open Access publications
  3. VBN guide on how to import publications automatically


The VBN team is hosting a number of courses on research registration, Open Access, research dissemination, research analysis, and PhD thesis submission. The dates are published via the course platform Plan2Learn, where you also sign up.



After a long period of recruiting the Section for Bioscience and Engineering have finally employed Kasper Skytte Andersen as staff scientist with the primary function to support and administrate the section’s growing high performance computing facilities. Kasper will not only ensure that servers are running smoothly for hundreds of users, but he will also be available for consultancy for data science or bioinformatic challenges that employees might face in projects across biology, biotech, and environmental biotech. As a former PhD student and Postdoc in the Center for Microbial Communities, Kasper has a background within bioinformatics and machine learning, and he has gained extensive experience with administrating Linux servers, while also developing custom software tools and workflows in mainly R and Python. Kasper is furthermore particularly stubborn when it comes to getting things to “just work” – which is exactly what we need the servers and the software solutions to do.


Researchers and Students in The Media 


  • Jeppe Lund Nielsen - Biogasanlæg omdanner CO2 til grøn gas: Kan overføres til andre industrier, vurderer professor,
  • Mette Lübeck, Kommercielt græsprotein er rentabelt om et år, Landbrugsavisen
  • Mette Lübeck, Storstilet projekt skal redde drikkevandet,
  • Mette Lübeck, Verdens første handlingsplan for plantemad er »pæne ord«, men mangler konkrete mål, Information
  • Mikkel Rank Nielsen - På sporet af et svampemysterium: Dansk forsker undersøger lille svamps skjulte evner,
  • Niels Madsen - Biodiversiteten lider i Danmark: Ekspertråd vil have mindst 30 procents beskyttet natur,
  • Sophie Lund Rasmussen - Foredrag om havens piggede ven, By og Land
  • Sussie Pagh, Kraniebrud 17.10.2023 12:10, Radio4 Kraniebrud




Denmark's best tutors are from our department. Congratulations to our talented tutors, who have just been awarded the Tutor Prize 2023 by DM. The prize is a recognition of the tutor group's commitment to ensuring that new students feel welcome and supported as they begin their journey at Aalborg University.

You can read more about the prize here.

Watch the video where the tutors receive the prize here. 


Exam schedules

The exam schedule for January 2024 is in Moodle, as are the dates for the February re-exams. In Esbjerg, the campus secretariat makes plans for all study programmes on campus. Normally, the exam schedule will be ready before the start of the semester, but this semester we were unfortunately a little late. We have revised both the comprehensive exam rules in the exam schedule itself as well as the format of the brief descriptions on the front of each exam set, including for the use of AI. We hope that the rules will now be easier to understand, even though the development of digital opportunities makes the area increasingly complex. Study secretaries and head of studies are happy to help describe the guidelines for the individual exam and answer questions.


Generative AI

Next year, all departments at AAU will make plans for AI in education and teaching. At the same time, work will be initiated across AAU on rules for the use of AI at exams. As the institute, we will participate. We also continue to get questions from students about the use of generative AI. AAU has a website, Generative AI at AAU, with help and guidance. Students may only use generative AI for the written exams if we have allowed it in the individual exam, and it is stated on the front page of the individual exam set that the use of AI and the rest of the internet is allowed. Students are allowed to use AI for their project work. They just need to be aware that if they are not the authors of text, images, etc. in the reports, and they have not made it known that it has been prepared by AI, it will be considered plagiarism. However, many questions are not easy to answer, and students may be referred to study secretaries or head of studies, so we ensure some consistency in our answers.



Every year in week 43, students from upper secondary education throughout Denmark are invited to an internship at Aalborg University. During this year's 'Studiepraktik', 80 gymnasium students gained insight into life as students at our department. The internship spanned over two days, featuring programs such as general presentations of the various courses, laboratory experiments, mini-projects in the lab, and, importantly, time to network and discuss life as a student at AAU. Thanks to the involved parties who did a great job coordinating this year's Studiepraktik.


External evaluation of study programmes in Esbjerg

All of the department's study programmes in Esbjerg will undergo an external evaluation with external experts this coming winter. It is part of the regular quality work that all programmes must go through every 6 years. We are currently working on the draft of the self-assessment report, and the programme itself. All interested parties will soon have the opportunity to read and comment on the draft.


Candidate reform

The upcoming master's reform, with shorter master's programmes as well as business-oriented master's programmes and extended business master's programmes without SU (State Educational Grant and Loan Scheme), will in all likelihood also affect our educations. It has not been decided which programmes will be affected or how, but the university rectors are working on a plan. The MSc in Engineering programmes will hardly be shortened, as we already have the shorter BEng programmes, but some of the natural science programmes may come into play. AAU has held workshops in both Aalborg and Esbjerg and collected input. In both places, people from BIO participated. In addition, our input has been that if education is to be shortened, it must be done on the basis of an assessment of the individual education and not just on the basis of the type of education, and that semester projects and work may be able to be combined.



New employees and PhD students

A warm welcome to our new colleagues (including some who started a while ago, but haven’t been mentioned in the news letter yet).


Saying goodbye to the following colleagues – and wish you all the best!

  • Christian Kjær Olesen, PhD Fellow, last day 31 Oct 2023
  • Peter Povlsen, Research Assistant, last day 31 Oct 2023
  • Søren Moskjer Andersen, Research Assistant, last day 31 Oct 2023
  • Mikkel Rank Nielsen, Postdoc, last day 2 Nov 2023
  • Ana-Octavia Busuioc, Research Assistant, last day 30 Nov 2023
  • Line Ørbech Sadolin, Research Assistant, last day 30 Nov 2023
  • Søren Karst, Associate Professor, last day 30 Nov 2023
  • Yijuan Xu, Laboratory Engineer, last day 30 Nov 2023



Now is the time when you start decorating indoors and outdoors with extra light, but what about the rules? This year, there are no restrictions on using fairy lights on Christmas trees, etc. You are therefore welcome to use fairy lights, but it is not permitted to use candles and open flames at AAU (except in secured laboratory areas, where it is a relevant part of the laboratory work). You may want to use LED candles instead.

See also the House Rules for AAU here.


Save the date ​

  • 30/11: Tianzhao Xu 11-month status seminar (FRB 7H - Room 1.102 at 10.30 AM)
  • 1/12: Mohamed Faizal Ussama Jalaludeen 11-month status seminar (FRB 7H - Room 2.303 at 13.00 PM)
  • 1/12: Christmas edition of “Research Friday” (FRB 7H - Room 1.102 at 14:30-16:30 PM)
  • 8/12: Fengming Cao 11-month status seminar (FRB 7H - Room 2.303 at 12.30 PM)
  • 18/12: BIO department meeting (FRB 7H - Auditorium and teams at 14.00 PM)



Here is the schedule for each department committee's next meeting, as well as the agenda and minutes from previous meetings. if you have any questions, you can find the representatives of the committees here


  • Last meeting in 2023 was 24.11.2023


  • 13.12.2023 


  • To be announced 


  • 12.12.2023


  • 13.12.2023 



From the 26-09-2023 till the 21-11-2023

Abdul-Khalek, N., Wimmer, R., Overgaard, M. T., & Echers, S. G. (2023). Insight on Physicochemical Properties Governing Peptide MS1 Response in HPLC-ESI-MS/MS: A Deep Learning Approach. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 21, 3715-3727.

Ahlbom, A., Maschietti, M., Nielsen, R., Hasani, M., & Theliander, H. (2023). On the hydrothermal depolymerisation of kraft lignin using glycerol as a capping agent. Holzforschung, 77(3), 159-169.

Alemu, T., Pertoldi, C., Hundera, K., & Ambelu, A. (2023). Spatial patterns of riparian vegetation community composition and diversity along human- affected East African highland streams. ecohydrology, 16(4), Artikel e2524.

Ali, M. A., Winters, W. M. W., Mohamed, M. A., Tan, D. Z., Zheng, G. J., Madsen, R. S. K., Magdysyuk, O. V., Diaz-Lopez, M., Cai, B., Gong, N., Xu, Y., Hung, I., Gan, Z. H., Sen, S., Sun, H. T., Bennett, T. D., Liu, X. F., Yue, Y., & Qiu, J. R. (2023). Fabrication of super-sized metal inorganic-organic hybrid glass with supramolecular network via crystallization-suppressing approach. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 62(14), Artikel e202218094.

Alirahmi, S. M., Perrucci, A., Maschietti, M., Qi, M., Gençer, E., Sin, G., & Yu, H. (2023). Renewable-integrated flexible production of energy and methane via re-using existing offshore oil and gas infrastructure. Journal of Cleaner Production, 426, Artikel 139125.

Alstrup, A. K. O., Bie Thøstesen, C., Hansen, K. A., Sonne, C., Kinze, C. C., Mikkelsen, L., Thomsen, A., Povlsen, P., Larsen, H. L., Linder, A. C., & Pagh, S. (2023). The Self-Stranding Behavior of a Killer Whale ( Orcinus orca) in Inner Danish Waters and Considerations concerning Human Interference in Live Strandings. Animals, 13(12), Artikel 1948.

Amjad, S., Christensen, M. L., Reitzel, K., & Qu, H. (2023). Vivianite for phosphorus recovery from digester supernatant in wastewater treatment plants. Chemical Engineering and Technology, 46(11), 2321-2329.

Andersen, L. H., Ransborg, C., Pertoldi, C., Pagh, S., & Bahrndorff, S. (2023). Can reintroduction of beavers improve insect biodiversity? Journal of Environmental Management, 337, Artikel 117719. Advance online publication.

Arbøll, T. P., Rasmussen, S. L., de Jonge, N., Hansen, A. H., Pertoldi, C., & Nielsen, J. L. (2023). Revealing the secrets of a 2900-year-old clay brick, discovering a time capsule of ancient DNA. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Artikel 13092.

Ayala, L. I. M., Aparicio, F., Boffa, V., Magnacca, G., Carlos, L., Bosio, G. N., & Mártire, D. O. (2023). Removal of As(III) via adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation with magnetic Fe-Cu nanocomposites. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 22(3), 503-512. Advance online publication.

Baier-Stegmaier, S., Gundlach, C., Chriél, M., Hansen, M. S., Vedel-Smith, C., Hansen, C. V., Johansson, D. K., Henriksen, L. B., Wahlberg, M., Thøstesen, C. B., Alstrup, A. K. O., Gregersen, K. M., Pertoldi, C., & Pagh, S. (2023). Computed Tomography as a Method for Age Determination of Carnivora and Odontocetes with Validation from Individuals with Known Age. Animals, 13(11), Artikel 1783.

Beg, A. Z., Rashid, F., Talat, A., Haseen, M. A., Raza, N., Akhtar, K., Dueholm, M. K. D., & Khan, A. U. (2023). Functional Amyloids in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Are Essential for the Proteome Modulation That Leads to Pathoadaptation in Pulmonary Niches. Microbiology Spectrum, 11(1), Artikel e03071-22.

Behzadi, A., Alirahmi, S. M., Yu, H., & Sadrizadeh, S. (2023). An efficient renewable hybridization based on hydrogen storage for peak demand reduction: A rule-based energy control and optimization using machine learning techniques. Journal of Energy Storage, 57, Artikel 106168.

Bejenari, M., Sondergaard, T. E., & Sørensen, J. L. (2023). 6-MSA, a secondary metabolite distribution hub with multiple fungal destinations. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 134(6), Artikel lxad107.

Bekker, N. S., Toor, S. S., Sharma, K., Pedersen, T. H., & Pedersen, L. H. (2023). Optimizing monosaccharide production from liquid hot water pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of grass-clover press cake. Heliyon, 9(8), Artikel e18448.

Bhatia, S. K., Kumar, V., Kumar, V., Bhatia, R. K., & Yang, Y. H. (2023). Microbial activity and productivity enhancement strategies. I Basic Biotechniques for Bioprocess and Bioentrepreneurship (s. 85-104). Elsevier Editora.

Bortot Coelho, F. E., Magnacca, G., Boffa, V., Candelario, V. M., Luiten-Olieman, M., & Zhang, W. (2023). From ultra to nanofiltration: a review on the fabrication of ZrO2 membranes. Ceramics International, 49(6), 8683-8708.

Brohus, M., Busuioc, A-O., Wimmer, R., Nyegaard, M., & Overgaard, M. T. (2023). Calmodulin mutations affecting Gly114 impair binding to the NaV1.5 IQ-domain. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14, Artikel 1210140.

Castronovo, S., Helmholz, L., Wolff, D., Poulsen, J. S., Nielsen, J. L., Ternes, T. A., Schmidt, T. C., & Wick, A. (2023). Protein fractionation and shotgun proteomics analysis of enriched bacterial cultures shed new light on the enzymatically catalyzed degradation of acesulfame. Water Research, 230, Artikel 119535.

Chen, H., Tao, Q., Deng, J., Peng, W., Zhu, W., & Yu, D. (2023). Enhanced Open-Circuit Voltage by Using 2,7-Pyrene as a Central Donor Unit in A-π-D-π-A-Type Small-Molecule-Based Organic Solar Cells. ChemistrySelect, 8(13), Artikel e202204878.

Chen, Z., Du, T., Sørensen, S. S., Christensen, R., Zhang, Q., Jensen, L. R., Magdysyuk, O. V., Diaz-Lopez, M., Bauchy, M., Yue, Y., & Smedskjær, M. M. (2023). Structure dependence of fracture toughness and ionic conductivity in lithium borophosphate glassy electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 553, Artikel 232302.

Chen, Z., Du, T., Christensen, R., Bauchy, M., & Smedskjær, M. M. (2023). Deciphering How Anion Clusters Govern Lithium Conduction in Glassy Thiophosphate Electrolytes through Machine Learning. ACS Energy Letters, 8(4), 1969–1975.

Chen, Z., Du, T., Christensen, R., Bauchy, M., & Smedskjær, M. M. (2023). Analyzing lithium ion conductivity in thiophosphate glassy electrolytes via machine learning. Poster præsenteret ved Electrochemical Science and Technology Conference 2023.

Chimanlal, I., Nthunya, L. N., Mahlangu, O. T., Kirkebæk, B., Ali, A., Quist-Jensen, C. A., & Richards, H. (2023). Nanoparticle-Enhanced PVDF Flat-Sheet Membranes for Seawater Desalination in Direct Contact Membrane Distillation. Membranes, 13(3), Artikel 317.

Christensen, B. H., Deganello, F., La Parola, V., Jørgensen, M. K., Boffa, V., & Østergaard, M. B. (2023). Thermocatalytic Performance of LaCo1−xNixO3−δ Perovskites in the Degradation of Rhodamine B. Catalysts, 13(2), Artikel 325.

Christensen, J. F. S., Krishnan, N. M. A., Bauchy, M., & Smedskjær, M. M. (2023). Indenting glasses with indenters of varying stiffness and sharpness. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 603, Artikel 122111.

Christensen, R., Bleile, Y., Sørensen, S. S., Biscio, C., Fajstrup, L., & Smedskjær, M. M. (2023). Medium-Range Order Structure Controls Thermal Stability of Pores in Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 14(33), 7469–7476.

Cong, J., Luo, S., Li, K., Wang, J., Wang, Y., Yan, S., & Li, P. (2023). High-performance Na-doped LiFePO4 cathode material derived from acid-washed iron red for the simultaneous immobilization of multi-metals. Ionics, 29(10), 3915-3926.

Cong, J., Luo, S., Li, P., Li, K., Li, P., & Yan, S. (2023). Towards enhanced structural stability by investigation of the mechanism of K ion doping in Na3V2(PO4)3/C for sodium ion batteries. Journal of Energy Storage, 72, 72. Artikel 108808.

Danielsen, A-C. S., Nielsen, P. H., Hermansen, C., de Jonge, L. W., Jørgensen, V. R., Greve, M. H., Corcoran, D., Dueholm, M. K. D., Bruhn, D., & Weber, P. L. (2023). Improved description of terrestrial habitat types by including microbial communities as indicators. Journal of Environmental Management, 344, Artikel 118677.

Darnal, S., Patial, V., Kumar, V., Kumar, S., Kumar, V., Padwad, Y. S., & Singh, D. (2023). Biochemical characterization of extremozyme L-asparaginase from Pseudomonas sp. PCH199 for therapeutics. AMB Express, 13(1), 22. Artikel 22.

Diao, F., Kraglund, M. R., Cao, H., Yan, X., Liu, P., Engelbrekt, C., & Xiao, X. (2023). Moderate heat treatment of CoFe Prussian blue analogues for enhanced oxygen evolution reaction performance. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 78, 476-486.

Ding, J., Ji, D., Yue, Y., & Smedskjaer, M. M. (2023). Amorphous Materials for Lithium-Ion and Post-Lithium-Ion Batteries. Small.

Dong, J., Banwait, B., Ueda, H., & Kristensen, P. (2023). VH-Based Mini Q-Body: A Novel Quench-Based Immunosensor. Sensors, 23(4), Artikel 2251.

Dottorini, G., Wágner, D. S., Stokholm-Bjerregaard, M., Kucheryavskiy, S., Michaelsen, T. Y., Nierychlo, M., Peces, M., Williams, R., Nielsen, P. H., Andersen, K. S., & Nielsen, P. H. (2023). Full-scale activated sludge transplantation reveals a highly resilient community structure. Water Research, 229, Artikel 119454.

Du, T., Chen, Z., Liu, H., Zhang, Q., Bauchy, M., Yue, Y., & Smedskjær, M. M. (2023). Controlling factor for fracture resistance and ionic conduction in glassy lithium borophosphate electrolytes. Materials Today Energy, 37, Artikel 101390.

Dueholm, M. K. D., Besteman, M., Zeuner, E. J., Riisgaard-Jensen, M., Nielsen, M. E., Vestergaard, S. Z., Heidelbach, S., Bekker, N. S., & Nielsen, P. H. (2023). Genetic potential for exopolysaccharide synthesis in activated sludge bacteria uncovered by genome-resolved metagenomics. Water Research, 229, Artikel 119485.

Egea-Corbacho, A., Pilar Martín-García, A., Franco, A. A., María Quiroga, J., Andreasen, R. R., Jørgensen, M. K., & Christensen, M. L. (2023). Occurrence, identification and removal of microplastics in a Wastewater Treatment Plant compared to an advanced MBR technology: Full-scale pilot plant. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11(3), Artikel 109644.

 F. Dumée, L., Sadrzadeh, M., & A. Shirazi, M. M. (red.) (2023). Green Membrane Technologies towards Environmental Sustainability. (1 udg.) Elsevier.

Feng, J., Luo, S. H., Li, P. W., Lin, Y. C., Zhang, L., Wang, Q., & Zhang, Y. H. (2023). Unveiling the efficient sodium storage and mechanism of MOFs-induced CoSe@N-doped carbon polyhedrons decorated with 2H-MoSe2 nanosheets. Applied Surface Science, 619, Artikel 156775.

Flemming, H-C., van Hullebusch, E. D., Neu, T. R., Nielsen, P. H., Seviour, T., Stoodley, P., Wingender, J., & Wuertz, S. (2023). The biofilm matrix: multitasking in a shared space. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 21(2), 70-86.

Gao, C. W., Zhang, J. H., He, C. M., Fu, Y. Q., Zhou, T. Y., Li, X., Kang, S. L., Tan, L. L., Jiao, Q., Dai, S. X., Yue, Y., & Lin, C. G. (2023). Unveiling the growth mechanism of the interphase between lithium metal and Li2S-P2S5-B2S3 solid-state electrolytes. Advanced Energy Materials, 13(22), Artikel 2204386.

Gao, F., Hong, W., Zhao, Z., Zhang, C., Deng, X., Cao, J., & Yu, D. (2023). New Insights into Interfacial Passivation on 3D Graphene–CuInS2 Composites-Based Perovskite Solar Cells. Solar RRL, 7(13), Artikel 2300166.

Ge, X., Lai, P., Shi, C., Xu, X., Wang, J., Du, T., Smedskjær, M. M., Yang, D., Yang, F., Lu, W., Qin, J., Li, J., & Hu, Q. (2023). Unconventional floppy network structures in titanate glasses. Acta Materialia, 253, Artikel 118953.

Gregersen Echers, S., Jafarpour, A., Yesiltas, B., García Moreno, P. J., Greve-Poulsen, M., Hansen, D. K., Jacobsen, C., Overgaard, M. T., & Hansen, E. B. (2023). Targeted hydrolysis of native potato protein: A novel workflow for obtaining hydrolysates with improved interfacial properties. Food Hydrocolloids, 137, Artikel 108299.

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